Who are the best researchers in medicine and pharmacy?

Who are the best researchers in medicine and pharmacy?

For already the sixth consecutive year, the International Medis Awards rewards the best research works of doctors and pharmacists in the Central and South-Eastern Europe who published their research achievements in internationally established expert publications.

Innovations in medicine and pharmacy enable survival of the patients, ensure more reliable and less invasive diagnostics, new and efficient ways of treatment, and a better and more beautiful life. Research therefore moves the borders of what is known in medicine and pharmacy, and changes the Sci-Fi future into actual reality.

International Medis Awards are therefore a precious tribute to all daring and dedicated researchers, who besides their daily clinical practice devote their time to research work as well, thus discovering pioneer solutions, and giving hope and optimism to the patients and wider public.

Over the past five years more than 700 doctors and pharmacists from eight countries in the region applied to this unique contest. For the first time, this year doctors and pharmacists from Bulgaria may also apply for the awards in nine medical fields until 4 September 2019.

In the picture there are 9 of the best doctors and pharmacists from seven countries, who applied last year for the prestige award International Medis Awards and whose scientific contributions were chosen from 156 applications in nine therapeutical fields.

What do they have in common? 

  • They do not believe in “THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE”. 
  • They do not agree with “IT CANNOT BE DONE”.
  • “NO” is not an answer for them.

Because they want more for their patients and because their research enthusiasm reaches beyond what is known in medicine and pharmacy, they are prepared to work tirelessly, sacrifice themselves, hope, trust endlessly and take risks, everything to discover new findings. More about the contest: www.medis-awards.com

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