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Are you looking for a job in an international environment where you can develop your professional skills and be part of a well-coordinated team?

Sign up for job vacancy alerts based on your chosen field of work using the form below.

If you wish, you can also send us your CV to be included in our candidate database. If we identify you as a suitable candidate, we will invite you for an interview.

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Country where you want to work
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I agree that the company Medis processes my personal data for the following purposes:

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Personal data protection and opt-out

Medis binds to process the collected personal data only for the above defined purpose. If a need for other kind of processing or for forwarding the data to third parties arises, we will contact you beforehand and ask for your consent.

Personal data are stored for as long as it is needed for fulfilment of the purpose but not longer than 10 (ten) years after last actual data verification or until withdrawal. Personal data will be deleted even before the withdrawal if the purpose for which they were collected is fulfilled (for the purposes of this consent, the ceasing of sending notifications by Medis, is considered as fulfilment of the purpose).

Your personal data might be forwarded to Medis affiliated companies, where the personal data may be processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In order to ensure that your personal data are protected, if there is a transfer of your personal data to countries outside EEA, Medis or its affiliates will enter into, where necessary, data transfer agreements with the data recipients which include the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses. The list of affiliated companies is written in the Privacy policy. Your personal data will not be forwarded to third parties.

By signing the consent for the processing of personal data, you confirm that you are familiar with your rights:

  • To request an insight and correction, copy, deletion or limitation of processing of your personal data, or to file a complaint regarding the processing; you are familiar with the right to transferability of your personal data, namely with written notification to Medis, or to the e-address;
  • That you can withdraw the given consent at any time with a written notification to Medis, or to the e-address;
  • That you can file a complaint at the control authority (State Data Protection Inspectorate) if you believe that the processing of your personal data is violating the Regulation.

You are familiar with the fact that your personal data is processed on the legal basis of consent. You are familiar with the fact that the company Medis may process your personal data also on other legal bases (e.g. legal interest). You are familiar with the Privacy Policy (Annex No1).

You can cancel your general job application and notification of vacancies at any time by sending an e-mail to