Stories with a smile

We searched for smile ambassadors among the exceptional individuals of venerable age. They are certain as well that laughter is the best medicine. They told us their stories and in such a way joined Medis in celebrating its 30 years.

At 82 years of age, Peter Peršin is an extremely active man. In his youth he was the best Slovenian roller skater and ice skater, and he spent most of his professional career at RTV Slovenia, when this institution was at its peak.

About the project

Old age and wisdom have always gone hand in hand. The experience of the elderly was considered as priceless treasure and food for progress. However, the development of technologies and fast information flow push the importance of gained experience towards the end of the list of building elements of our society more and more. 

With all knowledge, which is written in binary code and stored in an electronic form, we forgot about the wealth of memories, enriched with emotions and distance of the years. Memories which know that not everything is black and white, memories which talk about the fact that people are more than just 0 and 1, and that time changes the most difficult trials into the most educational, fun, sometimes even humorous stories. These stories hide behind clear glances, sparkling eyes and sincere smiles which do not let the limits of the transient body talk about the life energy and love towards life.