Survey: Medis employees are satisfied and engaged

Survey: Medis employees are satisfied and engaged

Every year, we measure the satisfaction of the employees. We prepare a plan of possible improvements based on the results, because we want every employee in the company to feel good.

In 2019 we measured not only the job satisfaction, but for the first time also the work engagement of the employees. It was established that Medis employees are not only satisfied with their work, but we are dedicated to it and we tackle it with lots of energy and willpower. The average job satisfaction index was 5.88 points, which is only 0.02 point less than the last year. But with a bigger number of employees this remains a good result.

Altogether, 265 employees filled out the questionnaire, and the response rate is considerably higher than the last year, as this year we measured not only the job satisfaction, but for the first time also the work engagement of the employees. We analysed a bit more than 29 thousand answers. Besides the collective index, individual answers also show high job satisfaction, as the percentage of answers with 5, 6 and 7 is 76%.

The results by companies show that in the majority of the Medis companies employees are (very) satisfied at work. Except for two companies, this time again all of them achieved a level of satisfaction of more than 5.6 points. At the top of the scale are colleagues from Austria, and colleagues from Bulgaria and Serbia are also towards the top of the scale again.

What are Medis employees most satisfied with?

In general, the satisfaction was highest with the relationships with colleagues within the teams and the kind of work we do. This shows that relations are an important point of view of job satisfaction in Medis, and we are also generally satisfied with our work and see it as compatible with the company’s mission.

Areas of work at Medis by grades

In comparison with the last year we can emphasize the increase of satisfaction in the areas of:

  • level of responsibility at work,
  • working environment
  • and the feeling of our own success at work.

On the other hand, the satisfaction in comparison with the last year decreased most in the area of relations of our managers towards us and organization of the company.

What about work engagement?

In the field of work and organization psychology there is a trend appearing recently, where work engagement in companies is studied more and more frequently. Only job satisfaction is not everything; it is important that employees are also engaged. With this the company and employees co-create a story of success: the company conducts business well and the employees see the work as fulfilling.

Work engagement could be defined as a high level of energy, commitment, enthusiasm during work and participation in work activities. An engaged employee is more productive, more belonging to the company, less under stress and more satisfied with their personal life. Work does not represent a burden for them, but new challenges.

This year was the first time that we measured work engagement of Medis employees. The average index of work engagement for Medis is 4.81 points (on a scale of 1 to 6). We have achieved a very good result, as almost 69% of Medis employees has a high or very high work engagement level. For comparison: results obtained from several countries show that on average 57.7% of company employees have such a result.

Knowing the reasons for lower satisfaction enables them to be eliminated more quickly and effectively; on the other hand, knowing good practices enables them to be transferred to other areas in which we wish to improve the satisfaction. It is important to keep in mind that we all co-create our working environment and relations, and therefore each of us can influence them.

In Medis we look for small gestures with which we can brighten ours and our colleagues’ day, thus contributing to creativity and good well-being of all employees. At the same time, we try to express our opinions and ideas openly, as communication opens doors and is of key importance for further development and good working environment.

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